ESG approach to business management
Sustainability issues and themes, Context: climate change, demography dynamics, etc..

ESG data reporting
Data management. Internal and external/public sources. Disclosure obligations and international standards for integrated reporting...

Environmental pillar of sustainability. Green and circular economy.
The EU treaties, institutions and legislation, Subsidiarity and solidarity, EU agencies and organizations.

Social pillar of sustainability
Human rights and business principles. Stakeholder-oriented management approach, etc...

Sustainable finance
Introduction to sustainable finance. Steering capital for a sustainable future. The flow of capital in the financial system.

Energy and climate policy
Climate pollution. International climate agreements, The EU Emission Trading System, etc...

Climate adaptation and resilience
Concepts of climate change, climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience. Climate change scenarios and policy implications.

Business and human rights
Introductory human rights concepts. How can businesses Impact human rights? International human rights framework and soft law standards.